miércoles, 30 de octubre de 2013

Powtoon del Neolítico (por Valentín Nichita)

La siguiente presentación está realizada por un alumno de 1º ESO del instituto Arcipreste de Hita, Valentín Nichita. En ella encontrarás todas las características básicas del Neolítico resumidas.

Vídeo realizado por Valentín Nichita y subido a Youtube en su canal TheSergiu99

martes, 29 de octubre de 2013


A continuación os dejo el mapa de España sobre los principales yacimientos arqueológicos de la Península Ibérica.

Mapa principales yacimientos arqueológicos de España. Cuadernillo de Geografía e Historia. 1º ESO. Ed. SM


A continuación tenéis los mapas de la práctica 3 de la unidad 8. Estos mapas están escaneados del cuadernillo de actividades. Podéis ayudaros para completar vuestras actividades.

Mapa del Creciente Fértil. Pág 109 del Cuaderno de Geografía e Historia 1º ESO. Editorial SM.

En la última actividad (19) de la pág 109 os remite a la página 90 de vuestro cuadernillo de actividades, puesto que algunos aún no disponéis del cuadernillo, os dejo la imagen del mapa que debéis consultar.

Los tipos de vegetación. Pág. 90 del Cuaderno de Actividades de Geografía e Historia de la Editorial SM

martes, 22 de octubre de 2013


Este apartado, especial para vuestros trabajos, lo estrena Julia Sepúlveda, una alumna de 1º ESO A (Secciones Bilingües). 

Espero que el cuaderno de Julia os inspire para realizar vuestros cuadernos de clase.

Cuaderno de Julia Sepúlveda Llorente

Cuaderno de Julia Sepúlveda Llorente.

lunes, 14 de octubre de 2013


Here you have an interesting document about American Revolution with subtitles. We are going to watch this video once before starting study the American Revolution. So, please, try to pay attention and answer the questions below, related with Crash Course! explanation.

Video by Crash Course!

1. Which nation won the Seven Years' War?

2. Why did the Seven Years' War affect to the colonialists?

3. What was the Stamp Act?

4. How many people did die in Boston Massacre? 

5. How did American colonists protest against British's taxation?

6. Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?

7. Why the new government was such a radical idea?

domingo, 13 de octubre de 2013


Here we are!! We are Homo Sapiens
(or wise men). 

By http://tuviajedeltiempo.blogspot.com.es/

Homo Sapiens are the smarter human species who have lived on the Earth. Our brain is the biggest and the most developed. Our languages are very developed too. Our body is be able to change in order to respond environment changes. 

Modern men, Homo sapiens or Cro-magnon have improved technology from stone tools to smartphone. Would you like a small travel around the most important homo sapiens inventions?

1. Stone tools...

By http://www.bible-archaeology.info

2. Agriculture

By http://www.vegaenviron.org

3. Pottery

By http://blog.youngnapark.com

4. The writting!!

By http://musaquontas.blogspot.com.es/

5. Wheel

By http://www.iconarchive.com

6. Ships, cars, trains... planes!!

Image by http://www.colourbox.com

7. Electricity
Image by http://science.phillipmartin.info

8. Computer and electronic devices

Image by http://blinkassociates.com

9. Art

Image by http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qKDKCz2gUfg

And... that is thanks we are the unique creative mammal on Earth!!

sábado, 12 de octubre de 2013

Who were the neanderthals?

By http://www.zmescience.com
Neanderhtals are a human extinct species which coexisted with Homo Sapiens. They were almost as smart as modern men are.

They lived in a colder Earth and their bodies were adapted to live in that environment: they were stronger than modern men and they were expert hunters.

They lived into caves, they practised buries and we know that they believed in something.

So... if they were good hunters, they were as intelligent as we are, and their bodies were stronger, why did they become extinct?

THERE WAS A CLIMATIC CHANGE and the Earth turned into a warmer place and Neanderthals could not adapted their bodies to this new condition, and as animals like mammoth did become extinct, Neanderthals did too.

Uploaded by María Cobos

Summing up Evolution

This is the last video that we are going to study about the evolution. You can see it as much as you want. The video sum up all the human evolution in a few minutes.

Video uploaded by Andrew Griffiths

miércoles, 9 de octubre de 2013


Image by http://buzondepinturaporjuanjosebarajas.blogspot.com.es

The Old Regime was the socio-political system which existed in most of Europe during the 18th Century.

It was characterized by a political system known as Absolutism and an Estates society.

Here you have the document with all you need to pass this unit. 

Next video will help you to undersand the estates society, specially the big difference in life's condition between the privileged and the unprivileged people.

Video uploaded by serpa93

Handy man and Upright man

By http://juanmi.netau.net

He was taller and smarter than Lucy's people and he could walk upright more time than austrolopithecus did.

He left Africa and walked to Europe.

He created the first tools, but he did not control fire, although he knew how to use it.

His scientific name is Homo Habilis, because he could fabric tools.

Many years passed... and another group of men was born.
By http://anitayarba.blogspot.es

He could walk upright all the time, wherefore scientists called him: Homo Erectus.

He had a bigger brain because his jaw was not heavier.

He was located in Africa, Europe and Asia.

He improved tools like stone axes and bones, and he wore animal leathers.


That changed everything!!

1. People began to cook food, which helped to reduce disease.

2. People met around the fire each night, which helped to developed a spirit of community.

Upload by theGayvianHeart

domingo, 6 de octubre de 2013


By http://theolduvaigorge.tumblr.com
This is Lucy!!

In 1974 D. Johanson and Maurice Taileb discovered remains of a young female hominid in Ethiopia, that may be 3 millions years old. They called her "Lucy". 

In 1978, Leakely found an older Australopithecus in Tanzania.


Lucy and the other Austrolopithecus have helped us to understand early human-like hominid's life. Since archeologists discovered them, we know:

1. They lived in Africa

By wikipedia.org
2. They could walk upright, but they also could climb to the trees.

3. Their jaw was too heavy, so their brain could not be bigger.

4. They did not control fire.

5. They ate seeds, wild plants, fruits, insects and sometimes carrion (dead animals)

6. They did not create tools. They used natural objects as stones.

Compartido en Canal YouTube por Cliphistoria

Who was Darwin?

By http://visualmente.blogspot.com.es
Darwin was a Bristish naturalist who said that living beings are a result of the process of change and transformation in response to their environment.

Man, like the rest of living beings has transformed over the generations.

By http://www.descargarfondos.com


There was a difference between apes and men: early human-like hominidoes could stand upright. Apes could not.

By http://36tulipanesvioletas.blogspot.com.es

Archeologists' work

By http://vallisoletvm.blogspot.com.es

Here you have the three most famous archeologists all over the World...

By http://saricchiella.blogspot.com.es
By http://gatoysusamigos.blogspot.com.es

Would you like to be an archeologist as Tadeo, Lara and Indiana?

Unfortunately, work as an archeologist is not as exciting as the films and games show.

How do archeologists study prehistoric peoples?

By http://currentswedisharchaeology.org/
Archeologists study prehistoric peoples, and they use material remains to study this period as...

Seeds, bones, paintings...

in order to understand how people lived

If you want to know something more about archologists' work click here 

What is prehistory?

Prehistory is the period of human existence before written records.


Imagen de http://www.dinosaurcorporation.com
We are not going to study dinosaurs. 

Remember: "Dinosaurs died out about 65 million year ago, and the first human did not appear until around 3 millions years ago".

So... What are we going to study in this unit?

viernes, 4 de octubre de 2013


Click on the next Mind map to read more about the unit we are studying


The next video can help you understand the concept of 

Image from http://mindprod.com/environment/population.html

Video from SciShow

Video from National Geographic

If you want to learn more about overpopulation, click here: http://ngm.nationalgeographic.com/2011/01/seven-billion/kunzig-text