domingo, 16 de febrero de 2014


1. When did the Second revolution begin?
The second Industrial revolution began in 1850s.

2. What is the Rerum Novarum?
It was a document written by Leon XIII in which the Church's doctrine about the new social problems is explained.

3. Why did the First Industrial revolution start in Great Britain?
Great Britain had water, navigable rivers, many overseas territories, coal and iron reserves (or deposit) and they had a political system which protected commerce and individual liberties. They had an intrepreneurial bourgeoisie. 

4. Which were the differences between the First and the Second Industrial revolution?

5.Who created the Marxism?
Karl Marx created the Marxism or Scientific Socialism. He wrote the Communist Manifest in 1848.

6. What kind of people could work in a factory? // Who worked in factories?
Everybody could work in factories, even children and women. People who worked in factories were called proletarians.

7. What is the main sentence against the church of Karl Marx?
Karl Marx said that "The Church is people's opium (drug)"

8. Why did the population increase during the First Industrial Revolution?
Because the food production increased and there were more food and prices decreased so people had better diet. There were many advantages in medicines and hygienic habits so the mortality rate decreased, while the birth rate still high. 

9. What is the crop rotation?
It is a method of altherning different kinds of crops to preseve soil fertility.

10. Who was the principal leader of the liberalism? What are the Liberalism principles?
He was Adam Smith. Its principles are individual liberty, economic liberty and offer and supply laws. Laissez-faire. Governments must not assist to the economy.

11. Who was considered as 'Pope of workers'?
Leon XIII was considered as Pope of workers because he wrote the Rerum Novarum. 

12. What is the Demographic revolution?
It was a big increased in population due to improvements in medicine, hygienic (improvements) and a food productions. 

13. Who invented the standard production?
Henry Ford invented the standard production.

14. How did lower food prices affect to demography?
People could buy more food and they became healthier.

15. Which industries appeared in the Second revolution?
In the Second industrial revolution appeared the chemical and electricity industries; the communication industry was involved too and the steel industry. 

16. Why Great Britain conquered many overseas territories?

17. What is the Industrial Revolution?

18. What was the name of the breaking machines' movement?

19. Which were the inventions of the first industrial revolution?

20. How many hours did the children between 9 and 12 years old work during the Second Industrial revolution?

21. What was the main invention during the Second Revolution?

22. What were the differences between Rerum Novarum and Marxism?

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